2017 Lethbridge Census

Lethbridge is currently in the midst of completing its 2017 census.

Findings from last year’s shows that Lethbridge is currently the fifth fastest growing city in Canada and after this year’s run they could be over the 100,000 mark.

Once again this year, residents can complete the census online or through the door to door method.

Last year 34 per cent of the populations census was done over the internet and so far the city says they’re on their way to hit close to that mark once again.

Kyle Degroot is working with the census team and he says he has enjoyed the experience.
“It’s been fun so far, pretty windy on Saturday though. We had to deliver cards to all the houses and some of the cards blew away!” said Degroot.

Those unable to complete it online will get white cards delivered to their doors containing their pin numbers.

“We have around 50 per cent of the addresses down that’s primarily online but the census workers are out and going door to door and collecting the information from those who haven’t had time to do it online or don’t have access to the internet,” said David Sarsfield, Deputy City Clerk.

While they have seen a rise in the online census forms, Sarsfield doesn’t believe that it will be the only way to complete it anytime soon.

Around 130 census takers are currently employed by the city to distribute the cards throughout Lethbridge.

They don’t know exact numbers for a little while as census workers will continue to gather data for a few more weeks to try and be as accurate as possible.

“Usually it takes us till the end of April, we’ll probably compile the data and be done by the end of May,” Sarsfield said.

Some projections are stating that Lethbridge could break the 100,000 mark but they won’t officially know until all the data is collected.

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