A very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson, picks up six years after their latest adventure.
The movie follows the years of Harold and Kumar growing apart, replacing each other with new friends and now getting ready to celebrate Christmas.
On Christmas Eve a mysterious package accidently arrives at Kumar’s door. Kumar goes to drop off the package at Harold’s and ends up burning down Harold’s father-in-laws prize Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree accident begins the new adventure of Harold and Kumar through New York City, when Harold decides to cover his tracks instead of coming clean.
The movie is filled with laughs, nudity, drugs, a baby who gets high, friends and family reuniting and accepting each other.
The movie is funnier than expected, but has some scenes that are dumb and unnecessary. An example of a pointless scene is when Harold and Kumar leave the party after drinking some eggnog that had more in it than your average grocery store brand, and the movie is suddenly a cartoon of clay.
It is confusing and not needed.
From the previews, I was impressed with the movie. It had many funny parts, but I recommend not going if you do not enjoy a crude humour.
This movie is rated “R” for a reason.
I feel the movie could have been better. I have never seen a Harold and Kumar movie prior to this one, so I can’t say how it compares.
It was definitely not my favourite movie.
I don’t understand why so many movies are coming to theatres in 3D.
This movie would be more enjoyable if it wasn’t in 3D. There is not enough animation, or interesting things to pop out at you.
I would only recommend it to anyone who likes Harold and Kumar, and is able to deal with some crude humour.