Lethbridge College is now offering a series of courses called micro-credentials in the area of aquaponics, an integrated system in which fish and plants are grown together within a recirculating system.
The courses are designed to help those who are interested in aquaponics acquire knowledge in specific areas. Aquaculture Centre of Excellence chair John Derksen says they are meant to address needs in the industry because it’s hard to find people that have the proper knowledge in it.
“To educate people on how to properly do aquaponics because if you go on the Internet there’s a lot of misinformation, people trying to sell you things and basically what we’re trying to sell you is knowledge.”
Someone who is already growing plants but lacks knowledge in fish production, will benefit from taking that specific micro-credential.
Each person can pick and choose the combination of modules that meets their different individual needs.
The aquaponics micro-credentials were designed with the general public in mind. Anyone from high school students, to interested amateurs, to experienced greenhouse technicians can take these courses. The fact that they are offered online makes them even more accessible.
Associate Dean of the Centre for Applied Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CARIE), Megan Shapka, says a micro-credential is a bite size piece of education. Rather than a whole course it’s really focused on a very specific skill or competency.
“The micro-credentials really give those people that just need to know what aquaponics is and kind of just wetting their toes into that world, the micro credentials are an introduction to that base knowledge.”
The first two micro-credential courses are available online. The aquaponics design micro-credential and fish production in aquaponics. More modules will be added in the months to come. And all 10 modules are expected to be available online by next spring.