Canada’s favourite plant

Grass. Ganga. Pot. Mary Jane.

Canada is on the verge of legalizing it.

Marijuana has been on the minds of many ever since our newly appointed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed his plan to legalize it during his campaign.

Most Canadians are more familiar with this drug than any other illegal substance.

In fact, according to Health Canada, our country has one of the highest rates of marijuana use in the world.

Over 40 per cent of Canadians have tried this drug in their lifetime, while 10 per cent of have used it within the last year.

Does this mean Canadians focus too much on getting high?

Well that may not be the case.

Marijuana can be used for various reasons.

Many people use this drug for recreational purposes, but it’s also used as medicine.

Some people claim smoking marijuana has many benefits, while others believe it’s the work of the devil.

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, smoking pot can help control epileptic seizures, slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, treat inflammation and ease the pain of multiple sclerosis.

Also, the Canadian Cancer Society claims marijuana helps cancer patients with nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and helps with the pain.

There a lot of people who will disregard this information and that’s okay. The use of marijuana has also been linked to many health risks.

According to the health section of the Government of Canada’s website, the effects of consuming marijuana includes heart attacks, strokes, lung problems, memory loss and mild paranoia.

With that being said, this is why marijuana should be legal.

Colorado legalized recreational use of marijuana on Jan. 1, 2014 and according to the National Incident Based Reporting System, Colorado has seen a 41 per cent decrease in drug arrests in just under a year of legalization.

The Colorado Department of Revenue revealed the state has brought in more than $40 million of marijuana tax in the first year of legalizing the drug.

Business Insider claims that Colorado is ranked as one of the fastest growing economies in the United States.

The Associated Press claims unemployment in the state is at its lowest since 2008.

It’s been working in Colorado and what’s to say it won’t work in Canada?

There are many benefits to legalizing marijuana and going forward it should only benefit this country.

The marijuana plant has been around for thousands of years.

It’s become more popular than ever and it isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.

Canada, it’s time to inhale.






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