Category: Blogs and Columns
Family dinners promotes healthiness
In society these days it always seems that every one is in a hurry and…
Meet and greets: yay or nay?
You know a band’s “made it” when they start charging ridiculous prices for meet and…
Friday the 13th: bad-luck or just myth?
Walk under a ladder, cross paths with a black cat or open an umbrella inside…
Student practicums: no longer overworked and overtired
The practicum or internship is an essential part of a student’s schooling, gaining practical experience…
Getting naked for Syria
I’m sure you’ve heard about some famous “private” sex tapes that were “leaked out” to…
Putting one foot in front of the other
The sun rose slowly on September 7, 2013, the sunlight reflecting pinks and golds…
Multiple personality or social media persona?
Social media has drastically altered how we document our human experience. We post, tweet, link…
Guns, games and death
It’s sad to think 2012 ended with the slaying of 28 lives in Newtown, Connecticut.…