Category: Blogs and Columns
More than silence for Canadian veterans
Remembrance Day has been a proud Canadian tradition ever since the end of the First…
O’Reilly and his crusade against women
Bill O’Reilly, conservative pundit and Fox News anchor, aired a segment on Thursday night meant…
Celebrity endorsements and Vitaminwater
Just thinking about the different flavours I haven’t tried yet of Vitaminwater is making me…
Running away and mental health
I like to think of the mental baggage everyone carries as a backpack. As we…
I’m tired please let me rest
Kids are wonderful, they have a beautiful energy about them that is fun and exciting.…
Manual labour is enjoyable, when done right
Working with your hands to build or repair something is a great feeling. I…
Holiday overload: Happy Thank-hallo-mas?
The conglomeration of holidays is just as confusing as this title alone. With Thanksgiving all…
Uruguay lawmakers legalize abortion
Uruguay has made history after passing a bill that allows women to have access to…