Category: Blogs and Columns
Election night my P.O.V
The word election doesn’t usually sound all too exhilarating. This was my thought until election…
Experience of being with new mayor on election night
As I stood among Rajko Dodic’s supporters during election night I realized just how much…
Career Conference on the right track
The Lethbridge College Career Conference is a month away and planning has already begun with…
Pro-life students arrested at Carleton University
By most standards, when people stand up for what they believe in it’s looked upon…
Plenty of interest in civic election
Voting can be a touchy subject for some while others could simply care less about…
Father in Florida killed over skateboard dispute
With all the buzz around Lethbridge regarding the Lethbridge Skateboard Association putting pressure on city…
Looking to the future but living for the moment
Where I am is not exactly where I want to be but it’s kind of…
Lives of gay students who commited suicide can’t be taken back
“Well gays just shouldn’t be gay.” “I’m having nothing to with this.” …
One down, Eight months to go
Thanksgiving weekend is coming up within the next couple of days and that means a…