Convocation means new faces walking across the stage to receive diplomas.
This year convocation will take place on April 28 and 29.
On the 28 the following schools will take part in convocation: Centre for Health, Justice and Human Services; School of Human Services, School of Justice Studies, School of Public Health and Safety, Centre for Teaching and Learning and Innovation and Athabasca University students. Convocation will start at 2 p.m. on the 28 and 10 a.m. on the 29.
On April 29 the following schools will take part in convocation: Centre for Applied Arts and Sciences; School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, School of Engineering Technologies, School of Environmental Sciences, School of Liberal Arts, School of Developmental Education, Centre for Applied Management; School of Business, Cooks school of Transportation, School of Construction Trades, School of Industrial Training, School of Media and Design.
It will take place in the Lethbridge College Val Matteoti Gymnasium.
If you haven’t applied to graduate yet you can find forms in the centre core to fill out and submit to the Registrar’s Office by April 1.
Gowns to be rented for $25 are found in the bookstore and must also be rented by April 1. A $10 late fee is applied to those rented after April 1.