In society these days it always seems that every one is in a hurry and always too busy.
The City of Lethbridge and the Be Fit for Life Center are encouraging the people of Lethbridge to take part in the Sobeys 21 Days to Healthy Eating Challenge, which encourages families to eat at least one home-cooked meal together a day for 21 straight days.
According to researchers they suggest having dinner together as a family at least four times a week has positive effects on child development.
This contest also helps the families connect and talk as they don’t do on a regular day.
I do think that it is important to at least spend a part of the day with family and supper time is a great opportunity to do that.
According to Eat Right Ontario they said that children who regularly sit down to eat dinner together with their family eat more vegetables and fruits.
Not only does eating together contribute to a family eating healthier it also provides conversation with the family.
I think that’s what I liked most when I ate supper with my family was the conversation. During the day we will be doing our own things whether it was working or going school, but that time at the dinner table was the opportunity to discuss what is happening and how everybody’s day went.
According to a research study from Rutgers University in New Jersey, about 40% of the average family’s budget is spent eating out, typically not together.
I can see why that number is so high because it is convenient for a parent just to pick up a pizza on the way home instead of cooking a meal at home.
For the families who are busy and always on the go, whether it is the extracurricular activities for the children or parents who work late this 21 day healthy eating challenge lets families try it out. If they succeed maybe they can find ways to work around their busy schedule, and eat healthier by having meals together.
I think that it is neat that there are organizations in the city that do promote eating healthy and it brings awareness to people that it is important to eat as a family.
With that statment it brings up that families need to take some time out of their day and eat supper together.