Holiday season likely to bring extra stress for those away from family, friends

A photograph showing information about Shepell’s Student Support Program and the Employee and Family Assistance Program. This photo was taken on Nov. 27, 2020.

Christmas is normally the happiest time of the year, but for students who aren’t able to see their families or who have stressful living conditions, this time of year is filled with feelings of stress and loneliness. 

Luckily, this is not the case for one international student Mauricio Fernandez. Fernandez is a student in the ESL program at Lethbridge College. 

 Fernandez came to Canada for school and he has been here for a year and a half. 

 He is currently living in Lethbridge with his uncle, aunt and two little cousins. 

Fernandez is very happy to be in Canada with his uncle’s family.

“Well, I feel very comfortable because my family is here. I am living with my uncle, my aunt and my two little cousins right now. So, I feel pretty good to be here for Christmas and to continue with the tradition. I am very happy.”

Even though it feels weird for him to be away from his parents, he enjoys being in Canada because it’s a new country to him. Fernandez misses his parents, but he plans on speaking with them and the rest of his family during the holidays through Zoom or WhatsApp. 

His other plans for the holidays include spending time with his uncle’s family, making dinner, staying home and relaxing and enjoying himself. 

Around Aug. 31, 2021, Fernandez will be starting the Automotive Service program. 

Even though Fernandez will be okay during the holidays, some students might struggle with being separated from their loved ones. 

For students who will be struggling with feelings of loneliness and sadness, there are support services they can access. Shepell’s Student Support Program is available 24/7, all year-round. 

This is the college’s counselling service that is offered to students. Employees of the college can access the Employee Assistance Program if they need counselling.

To book an appointment with Shepell Services, students can download the My SSP app on their phones. They can also call the crisis line at 1-855-649-8641. 

The phone number for the Employee Assistance Program is 1-800-387-4765.

Emily Spencer, triage nurse at Lethbridge College’s Wellness Services, offers some advice to students who feel alone. 

“Just reach out to friends, reach out to family, tell them you love them and that you miss them and I’m sure they’ll feel the same, but stay happy and healthy.”

This is one of the most important self-care tips for students to remember. According to Spencer, having that social interaction with family and friends virtually can help with feelings of loneliness. 

Spencer also advises students to get into the holiday spirit. 

“Decorate your place for the holidays, build a gingerbread house, bake some Christmas goodies, put up Christmas lights.”

Doing these things will definitely help with your mental health and bring joy to you, according to Spencer. 

One of the most important things for students to do during the holidays is to take time for themselves and to be kind to themselves. If you feel lonely or sad one day, take a bath, read a book or listen to a podcast. 

Sometimes being on social media all day and watching the news every evening makes it hard for people to unplug. Taking a break from these two mediums will reduce the feeling of, “I’m missing out on something.”

To help promote positive feelings, Spencer recommends making a list of the things you are grateful for, plan ahead and make a pleasant events list. Making a pleasant events list will motivate students to be active on the days they feel down. 

Lastly, Spencer says it’s okay to not be okay.

“These are unprecedented times and it’s okay to not be okay. I know Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, but if you’re not feeling your best, that’s okay.”

Remember that anytime you feel stressed out, anxious or alone, Shepell’s Student Support Program is just a call or text away. 

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