So we all know by now that Donald Trump has won the election. But what does that mean?
Well as far as I know Trump is a charismatic racist who plans to “make America great again.”
Trump said in his presidential announcement on June 16, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
Now Trump, how can you point a finger at other cultures and say they are the problem?
Blaming others for your nation’s shortcomings is not the way to go. Or targeting a racial group.
I mean take a look at Hitler, Trump. There was a very charismatic man who wanted his nation to be great again. But he took it too far and the world felt its effect. He committed genocide and many other terrible crimes.
But don’t worry, he was a vegetarian painter.
So Mr. Trump, is fear mongering the only way?
To play on people’s weaknesses may not always be in your favour. To play on their insecurities can be dangerous. If you want to “make America great again,” why would you want to draw out all the worst parts of what makes you a country?
I’m not saying you don’t have issues as a country or that they are not important as you say they are, but don’t focus on all the negatives from other countries. Focus on helping people by getting them the care they need. Try improving the school system so when children grow up they can make smart decisions.
Sincerely, Dare I Say