Lethbridge Leisure Complex Update

With yet another hockey season just around the corner, the Lethbridge citizens have found comfort knowing a new and improved ice rink will be available this time next year.

Phase one of the Crossings West Leisure Centre is expected to be completed in April 2016. Phase one consists of two NHL sized rinks, a curling rink, a lounge, as well as an improved concession that will overlook one of the ice rinks.
Ashley Matthews is the project coordinator of the leisure centre and explained that the concession will add another level of enjoyment to watching hockey in the facility.

“You can actually sit up there and watch what’s happening behind windows and be quite comfortable,” said Matthews.

Matthews also explained that the location of the Crossings Leisure Centre was extremely important. The leisure facility is being constructed near both Catholic Central High School West as well as Chinook High School; the location is ideal for school use.

“There are also a number of other elementary schools in that west side area and schools being close to the facility makes it more accessible for them to use during the day,” said Mathews.

The leisure centre will be split into two sides. Phase one, which includes the arena, is considered the “cold side” and phase two is considered the “warm side.” The warm side will start construction in 2016 once phase one has been completed. Phase two will be approximately 200,000 square feet in size and will include a fitness centre, multi-purpose spaces, as well as some field houses which will have six separate gymnasium spaces inside. Arguably the most anticipated aspect of the leisure centre is the brand new aquatic centre, which will be run by the Lethbridge YMCA.

Jennifer Petracek-Kolb the Chief Executive Officer of the Lethbridge YMCA explained that she is equally excited about each of the separate parts of phase two and the opportunities they offer the people of Lethbridge.

“I think that it is the one thing that brings everyone together in the family. In a facility like this we hope that there will be something for everyone to do, regardless of their age or their interests,” said Kolb.

Kolb also explained that she feels the new leisure centre will also be a great bonding experience for families. Kolb believes that families rely too much on technology to spend time together; it is her hope that the new leisure centre can give families a new way to bond.

“We are hoping for an opportunity to go someplace without your iPhone, your iPad, and your TV. We hope to create new experiences for families,” said Kolb.

Dillon St.Jean is the local YMCA Youth Leadership Co-ordinator also expressed his excitement towards the new facility.

“The new YMCA facility is going to offer us opportunities that aren’t quite possible here at our current facility; not just a huge amount of space but also a ton of different opportunities,” said St.Jean.

Phase two of the Crossings Leisure Centre is scheduled to be complete sometime in 2019.

Phase two of the Crossings Leisure Centre is scheduled to be complete sometime in 2019.

Jennifer Petracek-Kolb hard at work at the YMCA.
Jennifer Petracek-Kolb hard at work at the YMCA.

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