Working with your hands to build or repair something is a great feeling.
I recently changed the thermostat in my vehicle, and this was no easy task. I had to take out another part just to get to it, and when I did, I spent 20 minutes loosening a single bolt. This was one of the most annoying things I have fixed on my vehicle, but that same annoyance gave me a huge sense of satisfaction when the fix worked. Not only does my car now operate the way it was meant to (sort of), but I did it. I saved a massive amount of money by doing the labour myself, and that makes me feel great. I also love getting my hands dirty and using a wrench. It just feels good.
I can see the draw for aspiring mechanics in doing vehicle repairs, as the work is enjoyable. Why not get paid for what you like to do? The money can be good, and you get the chance to work on some very interesting vehicles. My father once worked on a bright orange DeLorean, although it had no flux capacitor. What’s a DeLorean without a flux capacitor?
The men in my family have worked in mines and construction. They are welders and mechanics. Working with my hands seems to be in my blood. I can’t deny the great feeling I get when I have a wrench in one hand, and a bolt in the other. The world feels like my playground, and I can do anything I want. Change a tire here, replace a filter there, build a bench in the backyard, or even rewire a lamp in the living room. I can fix or build anything I want to.
I just have to make sure I know what I’m doing first.