What’s your sign?
Most people know the answer to this question, whether they have an interest in astrology or not. But did you know that you are so much more than just one of the 12 Zodiac signs?
When you were born each of the 10 astrological planets were in one of the 12 signs (the Sun, Moon and Pluto are considered planets in astrology). Each planet represents an aspect of human nature, and the sign of that planet dictates how you will act in that area of your life.
So you actually have 10 different Zodiac signs attached to you at birth! The map of where every planet was at the time of your birth is called your horoscope, or birth/natal chart.
To learn your natal chart I suggest using astrostheme.com. You need to know your time, date and place of birth.
The planet we will explore this week is the Red Planet of aggression, competition, motivation and action: Mars.
Mars rules over the fiery first sign of the Zodiac, Aries. This is why Aries people are so busy and competitive, they are highly motivated by their strongly active ruling planet.
Mars is a planet of passion and impulses. It gives us our ambition, determination, energy and discipline. This planet also rules over our sexual desires and speaks of our bedroom manner.
The planet Mars gives us courage and assertiveness. Mars makes us bold. However there is a negative side Mars’ abundant energy as he is also the planet of war, violence and anger.
My Mars is in Gemini, the sign of communication, duality and adaptability. With this Mars sign I have a very difficult time hiding my anger.
If something upsets me the people around me will know because I’ll tell them. I use my words as a weapon and explode in a fit of fury on whoever is nearby (whether it is them I am mad at or not!).
Understanding my Mars sign helps me learn to deal with my volatile and extremely verbal reaction to anger in a more positive way. I will always have the desire to explode with anger, but now I know I should take a walk and cool down before I speak irrationally.
I encourage you to learn about your Mars sign so you can take control of your passion and use it to your advantage. Nothing can stop you with the power of Mars on your side!