Lethbridge College has opened its doors to its new Kodiak House to residents attending the college.
Sept. 14 was the grand opening for the new residence and consisted of tours in the building, activities on the fifth floor lounge and a barbecue with live entertainment from Mahoney.
This $13.5 million project has 109 rooms in which 15 are wheelchair accessible with single beds.
All the other bedrooms in the Kodiak House are equipped with queen-sized beds.
All rooms include a full stand up fridge, microwave, and a hot plate.
Each resident has a digital key that recognizes the front door, laundry room and their unit. There is higher security for this building because there are only single room units.
The Kodiak House is made of concrete for long-term sustainability. There are two buttons on every toilet; one for low flow and one for high flow. This will help reduce the use of water. For more information on the full sustainability report, you can visit the LC website at www.lethbridgecollege.ca.
The residence has no air conditioning so that they can save on electricity. They have in-floor heating which lessens the carbon footprint the college leaves and solar water heating throughout the building, college staff told those who toured the building.
The fifth floor lounge is unlicensed and is for students to relax and socialize with other students.
The Residence life office, which is currently located in the Cullen Residence, will be moving over to the Kodiak House so that it is closer to the majority of the students living on campus. The move will be occurring in mid semester.