Roles of the Church



With Pope Francis officially sworn in, many eyes are on the religious leader to see what will happen next. Already assessments have been made about him: he seems humble, genuine, and has a heart for the poor. On the flip side, many believe the pope is traditional and stuck in the past on homosexuals and gender roles.

Many religions are often dubbed as having old-fashioned viewpoints. To many, it seems Protestants and Catholics, similar in their beliefs in Jesus Christ but different in other key areas, are the most backwards of all faithful.

These religions used to be a prominent part of society, their tenets formed the basis for laws that we now have, but with many beliefs remaining consistent with biblical times, some argue religion is becoming less relevant in modern society.

What people don’t understand is it’s not religion’s job to fit into society’s expectations. Just because the general population believes something is proper doesn’t mean. Religions such as Christianity and Catholicism are trying to serve their one true God; it is His truth. Not what society might believe is true. If religions “got with the modern times” as many say they should, then truth as the believers know it would be so twisted it would be hard to identify.

C.S Lewis, a famous Christian author, summons it up for followers best: “We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”

This is not to say religion has always gotten their moral believes and values right. There are periods of times in history when the God they believe in has shaken His head and wept. The truth is humans are humans, and humans make mistakes regardless of what they believe.

One thing people are rallying for is female Catholic priests. Women have had to fight to be equals in all areas of life and it would have been a great accomplishment. However somewhere along the way it seems in the quest to be equal the public forgets then men and women are different.  They are made differently, and think differently. Is it such a crime to believe that they may have different roles to fill? Not less important roles, but different. Why must a woman have to do everything a man does, when they are not a man but a woman?

If women are pushing to fill male roles, shouldn’t men be granted the same options? Should men become nuns?

There are circumstances when females have been treated unfairly in the church, many are seeking God’s guidance in this area and are changing. There is no shame in admitting men and women have different roles to play.

Equality should be strived for, but equality in absolutely everything is unrealistic.

Before people start condemning religions for backward thinking they should try to understand all that is involved. They may accuse others of being narrow-minded when they themselves are being narrow-minded.

As for relevance to society, religion will always have a part to play as long as there are people who believe in a religion, or spiritual understanding as some like to call it. Even people who don’t believe in God believe in something, whether its science or chance.



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