Ah, September. Summer holidays are over and the start of a new school year is at its peak.
Anxious and maybe not- so- anxious students are geared up and ready to learn. While the students are waiting for classes to begin, there are welcome activities waiting for students to arrive.
Frosh Week is a lineup of awesome events put on by the LCSA to bring students together and kick off the college experience right. This year there was tons of free food, hypnosis, beer, water fights, beer, raves and more beer.
Is there any better way to bring new and returning students together other than free food, activities and very cheap beer? It’s a great idea really, which is probably why many colleges and universities do it.
I’m not at all against drinking, don’t get me wrong, I just can’t help but find a tad bit of irony in frosh weeks. That these “institutes of higher learning” consider starting the college experience off right means allowing for their students to drink to the point of getting drunk.
I talked with some fellow students and it was agreed that alcohol is, a lot of the time, a genuine ice breaker; a sort of social catalyst. So, despite the irony, perhaps alcohol at the events does help to ease some of those pre-college jitters most of us have.
Many people say that their college years were their best years. One can only assume it’s not because of all the papers, exams and homework.