Author Archives: Houston Garinger

Washington Nationals season preview

The post season for the Washington Nationals is coming up and I am very excited to see how they finish. Last season the Nationals sadly lost to the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLDS (National League Divisional Series), which was a very close three games to two. This season, the Nationals started off very strong

Houston Garinger

My name is Houston Kenneth Garinger and I’m twenty years old. I am super into sports and also reptiles. My favourite teams are the Detroit Red Wings for hockey, Pittsburgh Steelers and the Saskatchewan Roughriders for football and Washington Nationals for baseball. My first ever job was at A&W back in Vulcan, AB and I

Quest to beat the Patriots

The National Football League is such an amazing sport because of its ability to bring families and friends together to watch such an exciting and thrilling sport. There really isn’t another sport quite like it. The off-season lasted way too long and I’m excited for the regular season to be back on track that I’m
