University of Lethbridge articles

University playwrights rewarded for their compelling scripts

University playwrights rewarded for their compelling scripts

Third place winner Achilles Friesen, first place winner Kade Carter and second place winner Brice Popielarz are honoured at the Play Right Prize Gala on March. 28. Photo by Laura Castro. Three university students have won top billing prizes for their personal plays. Each year, the University of Lethbridge holds a Play Right Prize Competition

Therapeutic Recreation helps people with disabilities enjoy leisure activities

Lethbridge College offers a two-year diploma program called Therapeutic Recreation-Gerontology. It prepares students to work with seniors and others who use therapeutic recreation services. Playing games, creating art, dancing, storytelling, gardening, talking with people and educating them on the importance of recreation and leisure activities – these are all the duties recreation therapists get to

Religious diversity in Lethbridge

According to Statistics Canada from 2006-2011 over 2000 religious immigrants moved to Lethbridge, of those over half were considered Christian. Alongside Christianity another 200 associated themselves with Hinduism, and just fewer then 200 considered themselves Muslims. With so much religious diversity within Lethbridge one has to wonder the impact that the variety has on the
