Author Archives: Kelsey O'Donnell

New Year’s resolutions are a waste

New Year’s Resolutions are annoying. Every year, people have the refreshing feeling of beginning a new year and associate that with being able to create a clean slate. But why do you need a new year to do that? Because really, Dec. 31 to Jan. 1 is just another day. You can start working towards your

Lethbridge man getting more heat than he bargained for

A Lethbridge man living in Australia is feeling more heat than he expected, while being caught in a record-breaking heatwave causing severe bushfires. Ben Kelly grew up in Lethbridge but moved to Brisbane, Queensland two years ago when he was looking for a way to progress his career while the warmer climate was also a

Fifth-year Kodiak steps on the court for her last season

A fifth-year athlete is excited for this upcoming season to shock the competition with a fresh, young team as she begins her last year as a Kodiak. This year’s team is joined by seven first year players, making the line-up one of the youngest in the league. Harper Elwood, a Kodiak student-athlete that has played

Building moccasins helps connect thousands of people around the world

Focus and precision filled the minds of students while they created unique indigenous footwear at Lethbridge College. This was a part of the celebration festivities to kick off one of the world’s largest online indigenous celebrations in Canada. Rock Your Mocs is a non-profit organization created in 2011, as a worldwide Indigenous Peoples social media

Lethbridge man gets caught in middle of tropical typhoon

A Lethbridge man caught in a tropical cyclone said the experience left him in complete shock. Tristan Mclennan, a Lethbridge native currently living in Nihonmatsu, Japan was driving through Tokyo Saturday when he got caught in Typhoon Hagibis head on. The storm caused strong wind gusts and intense rainfalls that caused flash floods and landslides.
