Author Archives: Mario Cabradilla

Some local businesses report growth decline over past six months

Some local businesses report growth decline over past six months

Many businesses have shut down due to COVID-19. But, despite the challenges of the pandemic, many local businesses in Lethbridge are still able to sustain themselves. According to Cyndi Vos, CEO of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, businesses used to a large customer base, struggled to grind out a profit. The chamber saw a decrease

I’m such a very good person!

Virtue not Pedigree” by Kathleen Tyler Conklin In social media, many people often post things to announce their virtue or morals, for fame or to be noticed. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement has many people adding to the outrage. Many influencers and politicians scream for justice to be done, and even demonize police

Trades student says online classes are opportunity for students to not learn

Ryan Grant, studying a course on heavy equipment at Lethbridge College, utilizes a drill on Sept. 22, 2020. The Crooks School of Transportation at Lethbridge College faces unique challenges with the online curriculum delivery due to COVID-19. Kevin Wiber, the school’s program chair, said online learning is one of the biggest challenges the school is
