Bios articles

Ani Leniczek

Ani is a 24-year-old, second year Digital Communications and Media student and a self-described giant nerd. His interests include video games, Dungeons and Dragons and consoling himself with the inevitable heat-death of the universe. He would love to host his own radio show in the future, especially a show about video games or technology.

Michael Kaake

Michael Kaake is a second year Digital Communications and Media program student at Lethbridge College. He is from Calgary and wants to be a writer under the Calgary Flames umbrella.  He is obsessed with sports and will probably win any argument against all biased fans. Outside of sports, he is a geeky guy who loves

Tyler Hay

Tyler grew up in Pincher Creek, Alberta and after spending time traveling and learning that he did not like working in construction, he moved to Lethbridge to study journalism. After graduating, he hopes to work as a journalist writing and shooting photos for magazines. He has been shooting photos professionally throughout his studies and one

Brandon Frankish

Hey, I’m Brandon Just a regular guy who loves music and likes to laugh. I’m a DJ/producer who aims to allow my music and energy to connect with as many people and personalities as I can. By connecting with my peers and other members of the Lethbridge community, I have learned that experiences are important.

Janelle Anderson

My name is Janelle Anderson. I am from Calgary and I am 24 years old. I am a very outgoing, friendly person that usually has a smile on her face. I believe that it is important to follow your dreams and do what makes your soul happy. I enjoy helping people and I love learning

Justeen Noyes

Hi, my name’s Justeen Noyes and I’m in the digital Communications and Media Program at Lethbridge College. I grew up in a nice little city called Airdrie. I love animals, music and media related things. Taking pictures is also one of my favorite hobbies. I love taking portraits and landscapes. You can almost always catch

Dara Kendell

Hello! I’m Dara Kendell, I’m from the tiny, dinosaur infested town of Drumheller. I really love alternative music, photography, travelling, and my cat Ruby. I have an ever-growing collection of tattoos and would pretty much always rather be at a concert.  I moved to Lethbridge in 2017 to take the Digital Communications and Media program.

Michael Rodriguez

My name is Michael Rodriguez. I moved from Calgary to Lethbridge in 2017 to study Journalism at Lethbridge College. In my free time, I enjoy making coffee and fire Spotify playlists. Hit me up on Twitter at @michaelrdrguez if you know about anything neat.

Brandyn Montgomery

My full name is Brandyn Montgomery but my friends call me Monty. I found a passion for using technology to compliment my creative ambitions and I’m here to unlock my full potential. We are currently at the forefront of a digital revolution and I’m excited to learn the skills necessary to tackle a rapidly evolving
