Tag Archives: Lethbridge College

Gaining knowledge through experience

Gaining knowledge through experience

It was a night of bringing back old memories for Lethbridge College alumni who talked about their successes and downfalls in post-secondary. Lethbridge College hosted an event called Sopoksisstsosi, which is Blackfoot for gaining knowledge through experience. It featured three alumni of the college: Cathy Twigg, graduate of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Education program, Steven

The Con of Antibiotics

Antibiotics aren’t candy and need to be used for the right reasons, says a Lethbridge College microbiology instructor and researcher. Through disrupting the reproductive process of the microbes, antibiotics will prevent further growth of the bacteria; it doesn’t kill the bacteria, according to the World Health Organization. According to Dr. Sophie Kernéis, Lethbridge College microbiology

Aquaponics Projects

Lethbridge College Aquaponics Centre of Excellence is one of the leading programs in Canada for not only its research but also the technology within the facility. They are always working on new projects such as, the use of bamboo charcoal to filter water for plants. Zied Khiari, a scientist in Lethbridge College’s aquaponics program says

Text messaging falling out of favour with younger people

With more and more millennials moving to social media as their main digital communication outlet, we’re witnessing the slow demise of the SMS text message. With a variety of different options for interpersonal communications on cell phones, texting is being pushed out by social media messaging services. A report by Pew Research Center shows social

Kodiaks Men’s Volleyball Preview

The Kodiaks men’s volleyball team this weekend took out the broomsticks, sweeping the Red Deer College Kings The team featuring eight new faces and was without it’s starting setter Zach Wickenheiser beat the Kings in two straight, five set matches The team played in a pre-season tournament in Edmonton at the Saville Centre which included

Cosplay Culture

Self-expression can manifest itself in a number of ways, but members of the cosplay community say expression goes further than imitation. Cosplay is a method of dressing in costume as a character from popular culture including movies, books and video games. This is often seen as a hobby, but most cosplayers use their skills as
