Winter blues and summer time sadness

As the summer comes to a close, it can be a difficult time of year for people who call Seasonal Affective Disorder part of their yearly routine.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition in which people experience depressive symptoms when the weather changes each year.

According to an article written by Donna Freeborn (called S.A.D or commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder) on November 12, 2016, an estimated two to three per-cent of Canada’s population suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

For most people, the fall and winter have the strongest influence on mood fluctuation. In other cases, the condition occurs during the late spring or early summer months.

“I tend not to leave my house as often, I cut myself off from people. I don’t ask for help when I need it the most because I feel like it’s a stupid little thing to have to ask for help and assistance,” said Kate Nickle, a resident of Lethbridge that suffers from SAD during the winter months.

Symptoms may include withdrawing from friends and family, inability to concentrate, increased appetite or cravings for sweet or starchy foods, lack of energy and irritability.

SAD has been attributed to inadequate exposure to sunlight during the winter months, but may also be linked to certain anxiety disorders during the summer months.


Summer SAD can be caused by increased heat, longer days and humidity.

Treatment for SAD can be prescribed in the form of medication, phototherapy in the form of light boxes and the application of coping skills.

“There’s techniques that they could work on with me and if they were seeing a psychiatrist there would be more of a plan that they could implement with them,” said Susan Schmidt Career and Academics Councillor at Lethbridge College.

People experiencing SAD can contact the Health and Shepell Counselling Services on Lethbridge college campus or on the website here.

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Hello and my name is Dean Huffman. My interests range from music to cosplay and writting. I am a proud member of the LGBTQTI+ community and moved to Lethbridge to pursue schooling at Lethbridge college.

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