Author Archives: Jaxon Mcginn

Student recruitment gets creative during COVID19

Alberta colleges and universities are finding creative ways to do business in the face of COVID-19. Due to the pandemic, many postsecondary schools are conducting recruitment virtually. Prospective students are finding two new faces at Lethbridge College that are willing to help.   Communicating with prospective students. It’s just one of the many challenges post-secondary institutions

Jaxon Mcginn

I’m Jaxon McGinn and I’m a student at Lethbridge College, taking the Digital Communications & Media Program. I’ve had the privilege of meeting many great people. This program has taught me many skills for my future career in the media field after graduation.

COVID restrictions change Remembrance Day ceremonies, but not importance

Despite COVID-19, Remembrance Day remains essential to all Canadians. Remembrance Day looked a little different in Lethbridge this year due to COVID-19, but veterans who have served and who are serving were still honoured for their sacrifices. Canadian veteran Alexander Patterson served in The Second World War, where he enlisted at 17, lying about his

Unsanctioned injection site pops up in downtown Lethbridge

The organizer of an unsanctioned injection site in downtown Lethbridge has been fined multiple times This unsanctioned injection site, that has popped up in the City of Lethbridge, was ran by organizers who feel the existing services are not adequate. This has divided residents living around the downtown area. The City of Lethbridge confirmed that

Local musicians affected by COVID-19

Musicians have not been able to resume performing because of the pandemic, so some have taken this time to improvise and find other ways to enhance their skills. Limited capacities in many venues and increased apprehension among people to attend poses a challenge to local musicians. However, some musicians are finding ways around COVID-19 to
