Author Archives: Julia Fletcher

Begonia finds peace with ‘Powder Blue’

University student Mikaela Claypool enjoys the new album and knows that it has the power to fuel the soul, no matter where you are.  With all the chaos in the world, it is hard to find a moment of calm. Canadian singer and songwriter Begonia found the calm within the chaos, giving her the inspiration

The Fight For Free Nipples

After lots of research, Lethbridge College student takes the time to make a sign and prepares for a peaceful march for what they believe in. Meta, after a long run of fighting the ‘free the nipple’ campaign with many artists and feminist accounts, this massive corporation might unban female nipples. According to WionNews, in a

The link between sexual assault and mental health

Student in protest about the many different assaults that happen to women that go unlooked or ignored. There is so much that contributes to our mental health- how we were raised, our social support and how we have learned to deal with stress in the present. There are also biological factors, like how our brains

Immigration versus Refugee visas challenges in Canada

People were protesting the war in Ukraine. Photo by Mathias Reding, courtesy of Leaving home is scary, especially when your home is 4,000 miles away.  Four different types of immigrants can arrive in Canada, and all have different rules and regulations for what happens once they are across the border… They include Humanitarian and
