Author Archives: Kevin Forsyth

Dogs help students de-stress as final exams approach

Dogs help students de-stress as final exams approach

  People experience a great deal of stress this time of year and pet therapy is one way to find relief and improve mental health. Dogs reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression, according to the National Alliance for Mental Illness. Canadians are particularly fond of the animal, with 35 per cent of households owning

Jazz musicians warm up a cold night in Lethbridge

Touring jazz musicians warmed up a cold November night in Lethbridge on Monday. The Andrea Superstein Jazz Trio brought their unique take on jazz to the Mortar and Brick Art Gallery, sharing the stage with Juno-nominated musician Elizabeth Shepherd. “I’m really influenced by all the things I listen to and I don’t listen primarily to

Confessions of a 30 year-old Kevin: Don’t impeach Trump

The Trump impeachment hearings are underway and that has more people than ever talking about the prospect of removing America’s 45th president. If you read this and consider impeachment an important story, I have news. You are out of touch with what working-class and poor people in the U.S. think. Yes, many people would love

National roller derby teams clash in Lethbridge

Kyira Franklin, left, races another jammer at the Live Free Skate Hard event at Exhibition Park on Nov. 9, 2019. Lethbridge is sending six players to the Roller Derby World Cup next year. Canada will send one female team and one open, or mixed gender, team to the tournament to held Aug. 15 and 16

Pertussis outbreak hits southern Alberta

Alberta Health Services (AHS) has declared a pertussis outbreak in its south zone for the fifth time in a decade. Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, can be prevented by childhood immunization, but the region’s vaccination rates are quite low in some areas. “It’s heterogenous – is probably the best way to explain our vaccine

Trending now: Greta Thunberg™ visits Alberta

Greta Thunberg’s visit to Alberta has led to plenty of both excitement and criticism. I don’t know about you, but I’m just tickled pink to have one more person lecture me about climate change. I’m sure we’re just a few days or weeks away from an international agreement to finally take concrete measures against climate
