Author Archives: Noreve Gay Belarmino

Journey to becoming Prairie Queen

Journey to becoming Prairie Queen

Francis Yutrago, widely known as Francheska Dynamites in the drag world, a Filipino drag queen and Prairie Queen poses for the camera inside the endeavour room. Like a bomb, explosive on the stage, Francheska Dynamites has earned the title of “Prairie Queen” and took everyone by surprise. Behind his success is a story of hard

Toxic aspects of cosplay fandom ruin it for some

Maiya “Zero” Hanson (left) and Makaila “Arzen” Pocock (right), are local cosplayers dressing up as Ningguang and Beidou from Genshin Impact. Photo by Noreve Belarmino. The term Cosplay or costume and play began in 1984 by Nobuyuki Takahashi, the founder of Studio Hard. After Takahashi coined this term, people started using it in conventions and

How technology helps with homesickness

Karenys Cuicas, ESL student during one of her classes in the Lethbridge College Buchanan Library.  A study from Baylor University published in June 2015 by Grace Pardede revealed homesickness in the modern age can lead to severe psychological distress. According to the study, the cultural relocation and variations are bound to be factors influencing homesickness

Helping people in need four decades later

Bill Ginther, The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen Executive Director moving donations to the kitchen on Oct. 15 with his wife , Joan Ginther. Photo by Noreve Belarmino. The Lethbridge Soup Kitchen started on Oct. 1, 1984, when a group of women observed several homeless men sitting on the steps of a local church and started serving
