Tag Archives: horror

Scream VI makes bloody splash in the Big Apple

Scream VI makes bloody splash in the Big Apple

Melissa MacKenzie was shocked during the opening night of Scream VI. She says she’s looking forward to the next movie in the franchise. Photo by Scott Holman Your parents are gone for the weekend and have left you to watch the house. Alone on the last night, less than an hour before your parents return

New Mascot or Kafkaesque Muppet?

Picture a Muppet that has aged 70 years. Now picture that same Muppet living in a dumpster for 50 of those. What does that get you? It’s the Philadelphia Flyers’ new mascot, Gritty and he’s wonderful. Looking like something out of a collaboration between David Cronenberg and Jim Henson, Gritty is already taking to the
