Author Archives: Nicholas Colyer

Local team tries its hand at big budget visual effects

After Disney and Industrial Light and Magic made waves with the Disney+ show The Mandalorian, Lethbridge College instructors and students decided to see if the same technology could be used for independent film makers. The team behind the research project consists of instructors and alumni of the Digital Communications and Media and Multimedia Production programs

Wes Anderson, what happened?

(A review of “The French Dispatch”) The first Wes Anderson movie to truly disappoint, “The French Dispatch”, a movie about a fictitious newspaper, is better off left unread (or watched). Whenever a new Wes Anderson movie is announced, if you are familiar with his oeuvre, you know what you are in for, a stylised character

Dealing with an unwanted guest

COVID-19 has affected everyone in some way for the last two years. It’s been a long time, but like someone overstaying their welcome, the virus is still crashing on the world’s proverbial couch. So, it should not have come as a surprise when after strictly following protocols for two years and getting vaccinated, my whole

How can a hobby change your life?

Not all hobbies are music based. For Tj Colyer, baking gives her a sense of flow, that feeling when you lose track of time, in a good way. “A jack of all trades, master of none.” In our modern world this phrase is often a slight against people who dabble in various activities not related

Holiday fun for Lethbridge College alumni

Chef Amanda Kawchuk, an instructor in the college’s culinary arts program, looks on as Stephanie Savage, alumni engagement manager, steals a maraschino cherry from a student decorating a black forrest cake at the LC kitchen Nov. 24, 2021. Lethbridge College alumni have something extra to celebrate this holiday season. For a second year, the college

The most ubiquitous guitar pedal of all time

One of the guitar gurus at Long & McQuade, Sterling Brave Rock poses in the amp area with his favourite pedal the Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini. When you think about the most used (or overused depending on your perspective) guitar pedal ever, only one should come to mind. With its versatility for everything from blues
