Announcers and Writers articles

How to get through college (and life)

How to get through college (and life)

Some of the friendly faces you can expect to see when visiting the Learning Cafe. From left to right, Jude Bialik, Glenna Fowler and Elizabeth Eremenko. Bialik and Eremenko are available for appointments to help with your academics. Being a college student is hard. Existing in general is hard. Elizabeth Eremenko and Jude Bialik from

plastic pollution on beach

The problem with plastic

Single-use plastics should be banned. Everywhere. Plastic can break down into millions of microscopic pieces, but it will always be there. According to an article on plastic breakdown by the Plastic Soup Foundation, “All these small particles of plastic never fully decompose and are literally everywhere: in water, soil, and air.” Microplastics can cause many

Recovery through the lens of an addict

Tyler Eresman, buried under boxes of alcohol, has been sober since his first year of university. When we were told this edition of the Endeavour would be a mental heath issue, I instantly thought of addictions. With my own struggles with addictions. I thought I would try to quit smoking and write about my own

My Experience with Las Vegas and Gambling

This summer, my family and I went to Las Vegas. I didn’t enjoy it very much. The flashing lights, the noise and the casinos were incredibly overwhelming. It made me have a very different perspective on gambling and on casinos themselves. The competing noise from people talking, music playing, the slot machines, and people playing

Wes Anderson, what happened?

(A review of “The French Dispatch”) The first Wes Anderson movie to truly disappoint, “The French Dispatch”, a movie about a fictitious newspaper, is better off left unread (or watched). Whenever a new Wes Anderson movie is announced, if you are familiar with his oeuvre, you know what you are in for, a stylised character

Top 5 Netflix shows for fans of the supernatural

Calling all fans of suspense and the supernatural. We’re going to count down the top five shows for college students to binge watch on Netflix with a long-time Netflix subscriber. Judy Flamond, a student at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta has been binge-watching great shows on Netflix for years and has picked her top five

Dealing with an unwanted guest

COVID-19 has affected everyone in some way for the last two years. It’s been a long time, but like someone overstaying their welcome, the virus is still crashing on the world’s proverbial couch. So, it should not have come as a surprise when after strictly following protocols for two years and getting vaccinated, my whole
