Lethbridge College articles

Exam Stress and the ways to combat it

Exam Stress and the ways to combat it

Many Lethbridge College Students are spending their time studying for their exams, which is causing a lot of stress for many of the students. For most people, college is the way to get themselves into a career they are interested in or to learn new skills. But for someone to learn these skills, they must

How technology helps with homesickness

Karenys Cuicas, ESL student during one of her classes in the Lethbridge College Buchanan Library.  A study from Baylor University published in June 2015 by Grace Pardede revealed homesickness in the modern age can lead to severe psychological distress. According to the study, the cultural relocation and variations are bound to be factors influencing homesickness

Yoga helps mental health

Kelsey Tasker demonstrates her strength and balance in side crow. Imagine yourself in a calm and content state of being. Now imagine you are in tune with your body and mind instead of at their mercy. For many people with mental health issues such as stress or anxiety, this feeling can seem unobtainable, but yoga

Students beg college to lower parking passes

Alysia Medema, who’s a fourth year student, hopes the passes get lowered to an affordable price to prevent cost build up over the years. Photo by Zach Lalin. Students hope Lethbridge College facilities management starts to lower the cost of parking. Besides tuition and finding a place to live, parking passes are one of the

New college president fitting right in

Lethbridge College President and CEO Dr. Brad Donaldson discusses future plans with Erin Hall, assistant to the provost and vice president academic.  On Friday, Lethbridge College celebrated the Presidential Installation of Dr. Brad Donaldson, The nineth President and CEO in the college’s history.   With the sound of bagpipes echoing through the halls, the ceremony began

‘Resilient’ Lethbridge College graduates celebrate at fall convocation

Lethbridge College graduate Oliver Namugerwa stands near the college’s main entrance, waiting for family to gather and take pictures after the fall convocation ceremony on Oct. 15, 2022. Namugerwa graduates with Honours from the Early Childhood Education certificate program. Lethbridge College graduates crossed the stage during the fall convocation ceremony Saturday afternoon – despite a
